The swan Barn Door | Courtney & Eric

Our love story....

How we met

both started a new job at a school with special needs kids on the same day. They went through training together and developed a friendship along the way. As training was ending, Courtney and Eric began realizing that there may be more than just a friendship. After going out for dinner, they knew very quickly they were right for each other. They were always happiest with each other, and as the saying goes, you know when you know 🙂


The proposal

Proposal was so much fun! Eric surprised Courtney with what she thought was a normal date night. Court was only anticpating getting her nails done, and a romantic dinner as usual.  told her I was taking her to get her nails done and then dinner. Courtney was told she needed to be blindfolded for the journey to dinner.
The “Journey” was a trip to Pewaukee Lake where Eric proposed!
One thing Eric loves about Courtney is her eyes and smile and Courtney fell in love with how genuine Eric is. Getting married to their absolute best friend in the world and having an adventure buddy for the rest of their lives was one of the main things they were looking forward to. 
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